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July 27, 2005



Devorah had used a similar line of reasoning: One should not spend more than 20% of one's assets on tzedaka (and, by extension, see o.c. hilchot lulav, other mitzvot aseh), and a fortiori, said d, not any other voluntary activity.

However, I saw an responsum by R. Moshe, (I wish I had a better, or at least better indexed, memory) explicitly asserting that despite the dictum, one who choses to spend more than 20% on a wedding, may do so.


PS Despite your views in this post, and as an ex-blogger, I stand in awe at your output.

seo melbourne

The words of Torah come to fruition only with one who kills himself for it.I hope you have write a good article related to this topic with comparing to other blogs, certainly.

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